Food Resource Asset Map
The WCFN partnered with the UConn Dietetics, UConn Sustainable Community Food Systems and the Eastern Connecticut State University Social Work programs to create an asset map detailing the existing food resources in Eastern Connecticut.
The intent of this map is to be multi-faceted. We intend for it to serve as a tool for community members to identify resources in their town, a place for farmers, retailers and agencies to share their services. It will also help us visually analyze where existing resources are concentrated in an attempt to help us identify gaps in services offered and/or in our own research collection; allowing us to pick out opportunities for collaboration and scaling up around Regional Food System Planning project priorities.
Click the double arrows in the top left corner of the map to see the legend. Using this feature, you can toggle layers on and off as well.
If you would like to update or add your listing please choose the appropriate form below.
This is for agencies that provide food resources. Pantries, Soup Kitchens, community gardens and nonprofits that provide education or support.
This is for farmers! Tell us where to find your products and if you offer a CSA
This is for places that sell food. Grocery stores, limited groceries (bodegas), specialty stores (bakeries, fish markets, etc), farmers markets, farm stands, local grocery stores (food coops or other natural food stores) and restaurants that buy from local farms.